Workshop Series Official Statistics Topic "HDI and Its Research" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Workshop Series Official Statistics Topic "HDI and Its Research"

Workshop Series Official Statistics Topic "HDI and Its Research"

October 14, 2021 | Other Activities

As a concrete manifestation of the role of BPS-Statistics Indonesia as the Advisor for Statistics, 17 series of workshops were held with the theme of Official Statistics in Community Socio-Economic Improvement in the Big Data Era. This activity is also the implementation of the MoU between BPS Aceh Province and the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business UIN Ar-Raniry which was set some time ago. The second series on the topic of the Human Development Index (HDI) and its research, was held on October 14, 2021. The workshop was held online, attended by academics, researchers and students.
On that occasion, Dr. Azwar, S.Pd., M.Si as the sub-coordinator of the cross-sectoral statistical analysis function of BPS Aceh Province acted as a presenter. Azwar explained about the comparison of HDI figures between districts/cities in Aceh as well as some of the latest research in the academic world using HDI data. At the end of the session a discussion was also held.
Students are the successor to the development and the bearers of future statistical responsibilities. Hopefully this workshop will increase the knowledge of the nation's future generations and future statistical-based development will be more focused. See you in the next workshop series :)
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