SBH Socialization: Past and Present Consumption Patterns, How Does BPS Capture Them? - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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SBH Socialization: Past and Present Consumption Patterns, How Does BPS Capture Them?

SBH Socialization: Past and Present Consumption Patterns, How Does BPS Capture Them?

January 15, 2024 | BPS Activities

Monday, January 15 2024, BPS Aceh Province held a So-Asik workshop entitled Cost of Living Survey (SBH). So-Asik, an abbreviation for Socialization of Statistical Indicators, is a workshop format activity that provides participants with in-depth insight regarding statistical data. Workshop participants were representatives of relevant stakeholders, including academics, practitioners and members of the press.

The purpose of this So-Asik activity is to provide insights into the results of the SBH in Aceh. Mawarzi Lista Agung, a Junior Statistician at the BPS Aceh Province, in his presentation, stated that the weighting pattern and commodity and service package need to be reviewed for their relevance to current conditions and updated every 5 years to maintain the relevance of the Consumer Price Index (IHK).Previously, the IHK used 2018 as the base year. To maintain the quality of inflation/deflation calculations, the base year was updated to 2022, which is considered relatively more stable economically after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Mawarzi provided a comprehensive understanding of the commodity package and SBH yield weighing diagram as well as the disaggregation of inflation components in Aceh. In addition, starting in 2024 BPS will present  IHK figures at the provincial level which were previously presented only at the city level. The Consumer Price Index (IHK) for 2024 in the Aceh region is calculated in five districts/cities, including Aceh Tengah, Aceh Barat, and Aceh Tamiang, as well as Banda Aceh and Lhokseumawe cities.

 In the discussion and question and answer session, workshop participants were enthusiastic about asking questions that enriched their understanding regarding SBH and its application in various development and planning activities in Aceh. It is hoped that the success of this event will increase awareness of the importance of cost of living surveys as a relevant tool in policy analysis and development planning in Aceh.

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