Through Podcast, MPU Aceh Offers Zakat as a Solution to Aceh's Poverty - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Through Podcast, MPU Aceh Offers Zakat as a Solution to Aceh's Poverty

Through Podcast, MPU Aceh Offers Zakat as a Solution to Aceh's Poverty

January 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, January 18 2024 BPS Aceh was present on the Lentera Umat Podcast on the YouTube channel of the Aceh Ulama Consultative Council (MPU). The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, shared insights and opened a space for discussion regarding a series of measurements of poverty rates in Aceh.

With Dr. Mr. H. Muhammad Hatta, LC, Chairman III of the Aceh MPU, both of them also discussed the nature of zakat and the importance of community and leaders' literacy regarding data, as a key step for Aceh to get out of the nomination for the poorest region in Sumatra.

In the podcast session, Ahmadriswan Nasution explained the process and methodology used by BPS Aceh in measuring the poverty rate in this area. Meanwhile, Dr. Mr. H. Muhammad Hatta, LC, provided a viewpoint from a religious perspective, explaining the importance of giving zakat in fighting poverty.

Both speakers argued that a good understanding of statistical data could be an important instrument in overcoming the problem of poverty in Aceh. By increasing data literacy, it is hoped that all levels of Acehnese society will help each other and actively contribute to efforts to improve and equalize prosperity.

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