EPSS Collaboration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

EPSS Collaboration

EPSS Collaboration

April 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday, April 26, 2024 - BPS Aceh in collaboration with the Office of Communication, Information and Signage (Diskominsa) of Aceh organized the Guidance and Preparation of Metadata for Sectoral Statistics 2024 at the UPTD Statistik Diskominsa Aceh. The activity was attended by two locus of government agencies whose sectoral statistical activities were evaluated in the Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) in 2024, namely the Bureau of Development Administration of the Regional Secretariat (Adpem Setda) of Aceh and the Registration and Population Office of Aceh (DRKA).

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, who was present with the BPS Aceh Sectoral Statistics Development Team, in his direction conveyed two perspectives in seeing the importance of EPSS. The result of EPSS in the form of Statistical Development Index (IPS) is an indicator of the achievement of statistical development in the Aceh government as well as an evaluation of the sectoral statistical guidance carried out by BPS Aceh to Aceh government agencies. With the EPSS, the management of sectoral statistics will be given more attention so that in the future it can be even better. Ahmadriswan also emphasized the importance of data literacy. Increased understanding in data management has implications for better development planning.

The Head of the Aceh Regional Secretariat's Adpem Bureau, T. Robby Irza, expressed his support to oversee the implementation of EPSS in the Aceh Government. Hopefully, the collaboration can run well in an effort to increase the IPS value of the Aceh Provincial Government in the future.
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