Sectoral Statistics Metadata Examination - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Sectoral Statistics Metadata Examination

Sectoral Statistics Metadata Examination

May 15, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS Aceh collaborated with the Aceh Communication, Informatics and Cryptography Service (Diskominsa) and the Statistics Corner Team of the Statistics Department of Syiah Kuala University (USK) to organize a Sectoral Statistics Metadata Examination activity in the Sharing Room on the 1st Floor of BPS Aceh. This activity is a series of activities for Finalizing the Completion of Aceh Sectoral Statistics Metadata for 2023.

Head of UPTD Statistics Diskominsa Aceh, Sayid Azhari, started his speech by appreciating the collaboration of the work team and students in the activity of examining sectoral statistical metadata. The involvement of these students is an implementation of the Independent Student Campus Learning (MBKM) internship program at Diskominsa Aceh.

In his delivery, Sayid highlighted the importance of metadata in One Data Indonesia (SDI). He added that currently Diskominsa as guardian of data is still actively collecting statistical metadata from government agencies. The department as a data producer that maintains sectoral statistics should be obliged to submit metadata. Submission of metadata is carried out via the INDAH website, short for Indonesia Data Hub, which is accessed via the Web Indah is managed by BPS as Data Trustee.

Head of the BPS Aceh Sectoral Statistics Development Team, Wahyu Agung Sutikno, highlighted that there are still many data users who have not explored much of the metadata related to the statistical data used. "Data and metadata are like gadgets (devices, ed) and their manuals," he explained. To better understand the use of the gadget, you need to read the manual. Likewise with statistical data. Metadata helps understand statistical data better.

In this activity a discussion session was also opened. The participants enthusiastically conveyed the problems and obstacles faced during the process of filling in and checking sectoral statistical metadata. Of course, this is a note and evaluation material for Diskominsa and BPS Aceh so that the metadata collected is of higher quality and supports SDI development in Aceh.
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