June 14, 2024 | Other Activities
Friday, June 14, 2024, the Head of the Aceh Province BPS Sectoral Statistics Development Team, Wahyu Agung Sutikno, attended the Report Presentation Meeting held by the Aceh Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Meeting participants from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Regencies/Cities throughout Aceh were seen attending offline in the hall and online.
This meeting aimed to present the results of Monitoring and Evaluation of Improving the Quality of Public Services through the Anti-Corruption Perception Survey (SPAK) and the Service Quality Perception Survey (SPKP). This activity is expected to strengthen participants' understanding of the survey results.
In his direction, the Head of the Legal and Human Rights Services Division of the Aceh Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Jurnalis, emphasized the importance of the cooperation of all parties for the smooth running of this activity. The progress achieved so far shows positive developments.
Wahyu, who was present as a resource person, conveyed how valuable the data produced from this survey was and the challenges in collecting it. Of course, with the hope that all can continue to improve the quality of public services and support efforts to prevent corruption.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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