Hearing of the Regional Management Board (DPW) of the Indonesian Lecturers Association (ADI) Aceh - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Hearing of the Regional Management Board (DPW) of the Indonesian Lecturers Association (ADI) Aceh

Hearing of the Regional Management Board (DPW) of the Indonesian Lecturers Association (ADI) Aceh

July 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, July 25 2024, BPS Aceh received an audience with the Regional Management Board (DPW) of the Indonesian Lecturers Association (ADI) Aceh in the Sharing Room on the 1st Floor of BPS Aceh. Prof. Syamsul Rijal, Chair of DPW ADI Aceh and his team, discussed cooperation regarding the role of ADI Aceh in accelerating the advancement of Aceh through data produced by BPS.

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, appreciated the proactive steps of DPW ADI Aceh in building cooperation and collaboration with BPS Aceh. The role of the lecturer has been proven to be of benefit to Aceh and makes it easy to dedicate their knowledge to society. Therefore, through this collaboration, DPW ADI can assist BPS in socializing survey/census activities to the community.

Ahmadriswan emphasized that every collaboration is based on the interest of making it easier to commit and be consistent. So that the role of BPS in providing data can be utilized as widely as possible and one of the BPS's performances can be expanded by DPW ADI. The BPS-ADI collaboration takes the form of a transfer of value and can be expressed in the form of an MOU and the results will be in the form of publicity.
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