The book "Understanding Strategic Indicators: Increasing Statistical Literacy and Expanding Its Use" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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The book "Understanding Strategic Indicators: Increasing Statistical Literacy and Expanding Its Use"

The book "Understanding Strategic Indicators: Increasing Statistical Literacy and Expanding Its Use"

October 31, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS Aceh Province is proud to present the latest book entitled "Understanding Strategic Indicators" Increasing Statistical Literacy and Expanding Its Use.

This book is here to support better understanding and use of data in various sectors.

In this book, you will gain insight into how BPS maintains the quality and reliability of data. Strategic indicators that support data-based decision making, increasing statistical literacy in society.

BPS Aceh is committed to ensuring that every data published is reliable, accurate and useful for all data users, both in government, the business sector, academics and the general public.

Let's together increase statistical literacy to build a better Aceh!

Get the book now, download it for free immediately at
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