Head of BPS Aceh attended TPID and TP2DD activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Head of BPS Aceh attended TPID and TP2DD activities

Head of BPS Aceh attended TPID and TP2DD activities

November 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday, November 5 2024 - Head of BPS Aceh attended the TPID (Regional Inflation Control Team) and TP2DD (Regional Digitalization Acceleration and Expansion Team) activities at The Pade Ballroom of the Aceh Besar hotel.

The day-long activity was also filled with discussions on the preparation of strategic steps to control inflation and accelerate regional digitalization. Head of Representative of Bank Indonesia Aceh, Rony Widijarto, explained the economic picture and the success story of controlling inflation through modernizing conventional business institutions. Ministry of Home Affairs officials also discussed Optimizing the Unexpected Cost Budget (BTT) to control inflation.

The Acting Governor of Aceh, Dr Safrizal ZA MSi, stated that the Aceh TPID and TP2DD High Level Meeting was very important, as a form of commitment from all parties, including provincial, district and city officials in controlling inflation and accelerating regional digitalization. "We must continue this joint commitment," said Safrizal.

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, also conveyed data insights and explained how BPS measures what the Acting Officers build. Regents and Mayors throughout Aceh through statistical data. "We hope that you (regional heads) will build what is measured, through data-based policies."
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