MoA BPS Barsela Region with Teuku Umar University - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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MoA BPS Barsela Region with Teuku Umar University

MoA BPS Barsela Region with Teuku Umar University

November 14, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, 14 November 2024 - Teuku Umar University (UTU) held a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) Signing Event between Regency/City BPS in the South West Region of Aceh and its Faculty of Economics and Business. The event invited the Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, to deliver a public lecture entitled "The Importance of Statistical Literacy for Development". This agenda is a follow-up to the collaboration between BPS Aceh and UTU which aims to have a positive impact on the development of the Aceh community in the South-West region through literacy and the use of statistical data.

UTU Chancellor, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ishak, M.Si and his staff welcomed the BPS group in a very friendly manner, starting with a tour of the UTU Campus area which holds a collection of historical heritage of the Acehnese Heroes, especially Teuku Umar. In his presentation, Ahmadriswan invited the UTU academic community to continue to improve their statistical literacy skills, so that they can contribute to regional development, both through research and quality data analysis.
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