Happy 53rd KORPRI Day "Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Happy 53rd KORPRI Day "Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps"

Happy 53rd KORPRI Day "Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps"

November 29, 2024 | Other Activities

Today, November 29 2024, we commemorate the 53rd anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps (KORPRI), a momentum to remember KORPRI's dedication and service in serving the community and supporting nation development. With the theme "Korpri for Indonesia" means that ASN throughout Indonesia, both at the central and regional governments, are present to strengthen the unity and spirit of the Corps as a single service organization that is bound as members of KORPRI so that the existence of KORPRI can be felt by the benefits for all Indonesian society and its members. CORPRI. With the issuance of Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning State Civil Apparatus, KORPRI will transform into the Indonesian ASN Employee Corps, with the main aim of strengthening the spirit of the ASN corps as a unifier of the nation.

We hope that BPS Aceh Province will continue to be a professional, solid organization and continue to make the best contribution to the nation and state. Let's together support KORPRI's role in building a clean, effective and serving government, while sharing the spirit of togetherness through inspiring moments of KORPRI's anniversary.
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