Export Import January 2011, Tourism February 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import January 2011, Tourism February 2011

Export Import January 2011,  Tourism February 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 1, 2011
File Size : 0.22 MB


The value of exports in January 2011 decreased by 1.31 percent compared to December 2011, which is down from $ 115,318,549 $ 116,844,930 into. The decline in the value of exports in January 2011 compared to December 2010, due to declining oil and gas exports by 2.14 percent, from $ 111,876,519 $ 114,324,149 into. Exports of oil and gas has a very large part of the total exports of Aceh, in the amount of 97.02 percent.

Non-oil imports in January 2011 increased by 153.47 percent compared to December 2011, namely of $ 7,186,770 be $ 18,216,203. During the month of January 2011 Aceh no oil imports.

Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in the province of Aceh in February 2011 reached 33.41 percent or decreased by 2.76 point compared to January 2011 was 36.17 percent. TPK tallest hotel in February 2011 occurred on 1-star hotels reached 39.84 percent, while the lowest occurred in TPK 2 star hotel which is only reached 17.61 percent.

Furthermore Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) more accommodation in February 2011 reached 31.52 percent or decrease of 1.86 points compared to January 2011 was 33.38 percent. Highest TPK more accommodation occurs in groups of 25-40 rooms which reached 34.62 percent, while the lowest occurred in TPK room group <10, amounting to 19.16 percent.
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