Industry First Quarter 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Industry First Quarter 2011

Industry First Quarter 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 2, 2011
File Size : 0.22 MB


Production of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in the province of Aceh in the first quarter of 2011 decreased by 3.37 percent compared to production in the fourth quarter of 2010 (q to q).
The decline in production growth in Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry in the province of Aceh was primarily due to lower production industry groups that produce rubber, rubber goods, and goods of plastic which reached 11.28 percent decline.
Types of other industry groups that led to a decrease in production growth Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry is a type of group that produces chemical industry, and items of chemicals, with the decline in production reached 7.26 percent.
Industry groups that increased production is a group of industries that produce food and beverages, with an increase in production by 5.53 percent.
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