Export Import May 2011, Transportation June 2011, and Tourism June 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import May 2011, Transportation June 2011, and Tourism June 2011

Export Import May 2011, Transportation June 2011, and Tourism June 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2011
File Size : 0.31 MB


The value of exports during the month of May 2011 increased by 77.59 percent compared to the month of April 2011, from $ 83,937,115 be $ 149,063,516. Meanwhile, the import of goods / services listed in Aceh Province for $ 10,839,209.

Inorganic chemicals are non-oil commodity groups most widely exported during the month of May 2011. This commodity group is exported in the form of Anhydrous Ammonia with an export value of $ 1,820,940.

Commodity groups grains have the greatest import value compared with other commodity groups that reached $ 8,771,000 or 44.36 percent of the total value of imports during the period from January to May, 2011.

The number of domestic passengers departing from the province of Aceh through the airport in June 2011 reached 29 661 people, while the number of domestic passengers who come as much as 27 316 people.

The number of domestic passengers ocean freight coming in May 2011 recorded 39 144 people, down 1.43 percent from the previous month as many as 39 710 people. While the number of domestic sea transport passengers departing in May 2011 there were 39 365 people, or an increase of 3.36 percent for the month April 2011.

Foreign Tourists (Tourists) in June 2011 recorded 1,160 people. Most tourists come from the country of Malaysia as many as 711 people. Then followed from the People's Republic of China, amounting to 109 people.

Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in Aceh Province in June 2011 reached 45.64 percent or an increase of 1.38 points compared to May 2011, in the amount of 44.26 percent. When viewed according to the classification of hotels, TPK tallest hotel during the month of June 2011 occurred in 4 star hotels, reaching 53.89 percent, while the lowest occurred in TPK 2 star hotel which is only reached 23.33 percent.
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