Economic Growth Third Quarter 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Economic Growth Third Quarter 2011

Economic Growth Third Quarter 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 7, 2011
File Size : 0.25 MB


Aceh value of GDP at current prices by oil and gas in the third quarter of 2011 amounted to Rp 21.65 trillion and without oil of Rp 18.10 trillion. Based on 2000 constant prices with oil at Rp 8.76 trillion and without oil of Rp 7.75 trillion.

Cumulative value of GDP at current prices until the third quarter of 2011 amounted to Rp 62.97 trillion (with oil) and Rp 52.72 trillion (without oil). While at constant prices 2000 amounting to Rp 25.91 trillion (with oil) and Rp 22.91 trillion (without oil).

Conditions of Aceh's economy until the third quarter of 2011 (q-to-q) shows the movement of improving the growth rate reached 1.55 percent (without oil) and reached 1.43 percent (with oil).

Annual economic growth (y-on-y) of 5.03 percent (with gas) and reached 5.86 percent (without oil) and cumulative (c-to-c) until the third quarter of 2011 in the amount of 5.37 percent (with oil) and 6.21 percent (without oil).

Almost all sectors in Aceh experiencing increased economic growth on a quarterly basis. The highest growth in the third quarter of 2011 were in the financial sector, leasing and business services amounted to 2.46 percent, while the lowest growth in the mining and quarrying sector by 0.91 percent. Furthermore, on an annual basis (y-on-y) the highest growth in trade, hotels and restaurants by 8.65 percent, while the lowest growth in the mining and quarrying sector of minus 0.48 percent.

Aceh GDP structure with oil and gas shows that the two sectors provide the greatest role in Aceh's economy is agriculture amounted to 27.75 percent and trade, hotel and restaurant at 15.99 percent.
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