Export Import September 2011, Transportation October 2011, and Tourism October 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import September 2011, Transportation October 2011, and Tourism October 2011

Export Import September 2011, Transportation October 2011, and Tourism October 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 1, 2011
File Size : 0.49 MB


Oil commodity exports increased by 43.36 percent, from $ 155,325,028 $ 108,343,979 into. Increasing the value of these exports, among others, caused by increasing the value of exports of oil and gas commodities destined for South Korea's state of $ 155,325,028 in the form of Liquid Natural Gas. While the non-oil commodity exports also experienced a considerable increase reached 167.17 percent, from $ 6,239,364 in August 2011 to $ 16,669,930 in the month of September 2011.


Meanwhile, in the month of September 2011 there is / was recorded imports of goods / services through the port in Aceh.


During the month of October 2011 the number of passengers recorded at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport reached 60 485 people experienced a 10.36 percent increase compared to the previous month.


Highest number of sea transport passengers in September 2011 there were at Uleelheue port, which was recorded as many as 52 911 people, which increased by 87.47 percent high enough to August 2011. The cumulative (January-September 2011) the number of passengers who came and departed on this port reached 359 028 people.


In September 2011, the largest stevedoring activities contained in the port Ulhelheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga. The loading and unloading of goods in each country reached 46 753 tonnes and 92 999 tonnes.


The number of foreign tourists (tourists) who visited Aceh Province in October 2011 as many as 838 people, or an increase of 49.64 percent compared to September 2011. The cumulative (January-October 2011), the number of foreign tourists visiting the province of Aceh has reached 10 272 man, this value increased by 25.05 percent compared to January-October 2010 as many as 8304 people.


Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in Aceh Province in October 2011 reached 38.55 percent or an increase of 4.73 points compared to September 2011. The average length of stay in September 2011 was 3.91 days, higher than the archipelago guests who just 1.80 days.
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