Labor condition in February 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Labor condition in February 2012

Labor condition in February 2012Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 7, 2012
File Size : 0.27 MB


In February 2012 the total labor force in the province of Aceh reached 2087.7 ​​thousand people, or an increase of 86.7 thousand persons compared to the total labor force in August 2011.
Residents who work in February 2012 was as much as 1923.3 thousand people or increased by about 71.3 thousand people compared to the number of persons employed in August 2011.
The number of unemployed in February 2012 was as much as 164.4 thousand people with TPT at 7.87 percent. The number of unemployed increased by around 15.4 thousand people compared to the situation in August 2011.
Unemployment dominated the workforce with the highest education level of high school / equivalent reached 50.3 percent, or about 82.7 thousand people, There are about 5.3 thousand university graduates in February 2012 as the unemployed, and to graduate Diploma as many as 7.2 thousand people who are unemployed.
Agriculture is still a group that absorbs labor sector that is 50.24 percent of the largest in February 2012. Followed Sector Services Community, Social and Individual amounted to 20.25 percent, and Sector Trade, Restaurants and Services Accommodation at 13.87 percent.
Countryside around 47.75 percent of the working population is working under normal working hours (half unemployed or working part-time). Approximately 58.91 percent of women work under normal working hours (working under 35 hours per week).
Unemployment is dominated workforce graduated high school level / equivalent, which reached 50.3 percent, or about 82.7 thousand people
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