Economic Growth Second Quarter 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Economic Growth Second Quarter 2013

Economic Growth Second Quarter 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 2, 2013
File Size : 0.5 MB


Aceh's economic growth with oil and gas in the second quarter 2013 quarterly (q-to-q) reached 0.81 percent and 1.28 percent without oil. Annual basis (y-on-y), economic growth in the quarter reached 3.89 percent with oil and non-oil by 5.01 percent.

Value Aceh ADHB with oil and gas GDP increased to Rp25,49 trillion in the second quarter of 2013 and non-oil increased to Rp21,89 trillion. Based on constant 2000 prices, GDP ADHK second quarter of 2013 totaled Rp9,45 trillion oil and non-oil into Rp8,52 trillion.

Aceh GDP structure both with and without gas oil showed that the two sectors is the leading sector for the economy of Aceh in the second quarter of 2013 is still in the agricultural sector (26.79 per cent) and trade, hotel and restaurant (17.71 percent) of the the field of business. In terms of the use of contribution is the largest component of household consumption (40.50 percent) and government consumption (23.34 percent).

The growth rate of q-to-q in the second quarter of 2013 from the business field of high growth in the construction sector (2.60 percent), electricity, gas and water (2.47 percent), and trade, hotels and restaurants ( 2.45 percent). In terms of the use of the highest growth rates are imports of goods and services (2.58 percent) and a GFCF (1.81 percent).
Badan Pusat Statistik

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