Result of Agricultural Census of 2013 (Preliminary Figures) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Result of Agricultural Census of 2013 (Preliminary Figures)

Result of Agricultural Census of 2013 (Preliminary Figures)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 2, 2013
File Size : 0.3 MB


The number of farms in the province of Aceh in May 2013 as many as 644 782 farming households, a total of 164 agricultural companies incorporated, and as many as 110 other agricultural businesses.
The number of farming households in the province of Aceh had a drop of 54 588 households out of 699 370 households in 2009 (Complete Collection Farms 2009) to 644 782 households in 2013, which means that the percentage decrease of 7.81 percent.
Cattle and buffalo population in 2013 as many as 512 949 head, down compared with the results Documenting Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes (PRSP) in 2011 as many as 594 365 head.
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