Labor condition in August 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Labor condition in August 2013

Labor condition in August 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2013
File Size : 0.24 MB


The labor force in the province of Aceh in August 2013 reached 2.034 million people, is reduced by about 87 thousand people compared to the total labor force in February 2013 amounted to 2.122 million people, but increased by about 56 thousand people compared to August 2012 amounted to 1.978 million people.

The working population in the province of Aceh in August 2013 reached 1.825 million people, is reduced by about 119 thousand people when compared to the situation in February 2013 amounted to 1.944 million people, but increased by about 26 thousand people when compared to August 2012 amounted to 1,799 million people.

The number of unemployed in August 2013 amounted to 210 thousand, an increase of about 32 thousand people compared to the state in February 2013, which amounted to 178 thousand people. When compared with the situation in August 2012, the number of unemployed increased by 30 thousand people in the amount of 180 thousand people.

Unemployment Rate (TPT) in the province of Aceh in August 2013 reached 10.30 percent, 1.92 percent higher than TPT in February 2013 by 8.38 percent, and 1.2 percent higher than in August 2012 TPT 9.10 percent.

Decrease the greatest workers in the construction sector there is a decrease of 24 thousand workers when compared to August 2012. Meanwhile, trade, restaurant and accommodation services experienced the largest increase, ie an increase of 28 thousand workers.

In terms of gender, women TPT in August 2013 reached 12.47 percent higher than the 3.41 percent TPT men by 9.06 percent.
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