Export Import, Transportation and Tourism October 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import, Transportation and Tourism October 2013

Export Import, Transportation and Tourism October 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2013
File Size : 0.41 MB


The export value of Aceh Province in October of 2013 increased compared with September 2013. In October 2013, the value of exports amounted to $ 78,490,333 Aceh province, this number increased by 43.55 percent compared to the month of September 2013 amounted to 54,755,183 USD. When compared with the value of exports in October 2012 showed a decline of 8.24 percent, where the value of exports amounted to $ 85,542,522.

In October 2013 there is no commodity imported into the province.
In October 2013 the number of passengers recorded at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport reached 71 864 people, or an increase of 5.60 percent compared to September 2013. In total in the province of Aceh, the number of passengers in the month of October 2013 reached 79 235 people, experience increase compared to the month September 2013 amounting to 5.88 percent.

International passengers departing from the province of Aceh through airports Sultan Iskandar Muda in the month of October 2013 as many as 6783 people, an increase of 41.90 percent compared to September 2013. International passengers who came in October 2013 as many as 4,710 people, an increase of 5, 02 percent when compared to the month September 2013.

Highest number of sea transport passengers in October 2013 there were at Ulee Lheue port is recorded at 45 220 passengers, an increase of 35.49 per cent against September 2013. In total in the province of Aceh, the number of passengers in the month of October 2013 reached 96 353 people, an increase amounted to 23.54 percent compared to the month of September 2013.

The loading and unloading of goods in the country in the port of Ulee Lheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga respectively reached 97 945 tonnes and 114 855 tonnes. For overseas shipping, the loading of the goods at the port of Ulee Lheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga reached 36 507 tonnes but no unloading activities.

The number of foreign tourists (tourists) that enter through the arrival in the province of Aceh in October 2013 as many as 1,302 people, or an increase of 4.41 percent compared with September 2013. Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in the province of Aceh in October 2013 amounted to 47.35 percent or decreased by 5.63 point compared to September of 2013, while TPK Accommodation in October 2013 by 30.79 per cent, almost the same when compared to the month of September 2013.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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