Result of Agricultural Census of 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Result of Agricultural Census of 2013

Result of Agricultural Census of 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2013
File Size : 0.6 MB


The number of farming households in 2013 in the province of Aceh as many as 644 851 households, food crops 423 124 households, 195 090 domestic horticulture, plantation household 388 667, 254 166 farm households, 48 ​​044 households fisheries, and forestry 22 681 households.

The number of smallholder households in the province in 2013 as many as 276 729 households or by 43.39 percent of farm household land users, increased by 27 906 households, up 11.22 percent compared to the year 2009.

The number of farmers who work in the agricultural sector as much as 794 266 people, mostly in sub-sector of Food Crops of 494 438 people and the smallest in the forestry sub-sector amounted to 24 021 people.

The main farmers Aceh province by 30.29 per cent were in the age group 35-44 years.

The average area of ​​land held per household farming area of ​​10264.39 m2, a decline of 29.98 percent compared to the year 2009 of 13262.31 m2.

The number of cattle and buffalo on May 1, 2013 as many as 516 196 tail, consisting of 404 221 head of beef cattle, 25 111 950 dairy cows and buffaloes.
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