Consumer Tendency Index for Quarter IV - 2019 and Consumer Tendency Index Estimation for Quarter I-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Consumer Tendency Index for Quarter IV - 2019 and Consumer Tendency Index Estimation for Quarter I-2020

Release Date : February 5, 2020
File Size : 1.12 MB


In the fourth quarter of 2019, consumers in Aceh Province expressed optimistic perceptions that the economic conditions were better than the third quarter of 2019. The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) in the fourth quarter of 2019 Aceh Province was 105.02.

The level of consumer optimism was influenced by the increasing perception of optimism in its components. The Income index was at 101.66 which showed that some Acehnese feel that in the fourth quarter their income was better than the previous quarter. The Inflation Effect on Consumption Index was at 106.03, which means that there was no effect of inflation on Acehnese consumptions in the fourth quarter. While the Consumption Volume Index at 111.77 means that most of the Acehnese perceived that there was an increase in the level of consumption volume in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter.

For the estimation of first quarter of 2020, consumers in Aceh Province perceived that economic conditions are likely to improve as indicated by the estimated ITK for the first quarter of 2020 at 101.59.
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