Development of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in March 2021, Aceh Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Development of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in March 2021, Aceh Province

Release Date : April 1, 2021
File Size : 0.98 MB


  • In general, prices for various commodities in March 2021 indicated a decline. In March 2021, there was deflation of 0.37 percent, or there was a decrease in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 106.68 in February 2021 to 106.29 in March 2021.

  • Deflation that occurred in Aceh (Combined 3 Cities) occurred due to a decrease in prices as indicated by a decrease in the index for the expenditure group, namely: the food, beverage and tobacco group by 1.02 percent; the housing, water, electricity, gas and household fuel group of 0.04 percent; the transportation group of 0.12 percent; and personal care and other services group of 0.50 percent. Expenditure groups that experienced inflation, namely: the clothing and footwear group by 0.05 percent; the equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group and the recreation, sports and culture group each by 0.02 percent; and the health group by 0.17 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure groups that did not change were the information, communication and financial services group; education group; and the food and beverage / restaurant supply group, namely: the information, communication and financial services group; education group; and food and beverage / restaurant supply groups.
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