Census of Agriculture 2013 Aceh Province Figures of Paddy Cultivation Household, Result of St2013 - Subsector Survey - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Census of Agriculture 2013 Aceh Province Figures of Paddy Cultivation Household, Result of St2013 - Subsector Survey

Catalog Number : 5106018.11
Publication Number : 11531.1501
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 21, 2015
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 9.36 MB


The data presented in this publication is limited to the commodity of paddy and paddy fields and includes general information on paddy business, paddy and paddy crop business profile, paddy and paddy plant business cost structure, and socio-economic household of paddy business. With the publication of this publication, it is hoped that it can add information for data users, especially the government, in the context of compiling plans and policies in an effort to improve the development of rice plant business.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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