Room Occupancy Rate Stars and Other Accommodation of Aceh Province 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Room Occupancy Rate Stars and Other Accommodation of Aceh Province 2016

Catalog Number : 8403001.11
Publication Number : 11540.1703
ISSN/ISBN : 2502-0838
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : April 25, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2 MB


The development of the tourism sector nowadays become more important in national and regional development. Its role is not only to increase foreign exchange earnings, but also to expand employment opportunities and business opportunities, thereby stimulating the upgrading of other economic sectors such as transportation, small industries and households, including hospitality and accommodation. Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) is one of many indicators to see the development of tourist visits to a region. Room occupancy rate is the number of nights occupied room (room nights occupied) divided by the number of nights available room (room nights available) multiplied by 100. TPK starred hotel in 2016 in Aceh Province as a whole reached 46.08 percent. This means that the average of all rooms used every night at star-rated hotels in Aceh Province in 2016 was 46.08 percent, while the other for other accommodation in 2016 was lower than the ROR for starred hotels, which was only 30.40 percent. The average length of stay of guests at a star hotel in 2016 was for 1.67 days, the lowest compared to 4 years earlier. The average length of stay of foreign guests at star hotels and other accommodation respectively for 1.92 and 2.74 days. The high average length of stay of foreign guests has not contributed significantly to the TPK in Aceh Province, as the percentage of foreign guests staying was still relatively small. That was only 6.26 percent of the total number of guests staying at star hotels, and 1.93 percent in other accommodation.
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