Foreign Trade Statistics of Aceh Province 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Foreign Trade Statistics of Aceh Province 2016

Catalog Number : 8202010.11
Publication Number : 11540.1704
ISSN/ISBN : 2502-0862
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : April 25, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4 MB


In many countries, international trade is one of the major factors for increasing Gross Domestic Product or economic growth. To know the pattern and flow of international trade, it is necessary to have the data of export - import statistics, in the form of goods and services. Based on export / import notification documents obtained from Customs and Excise Supervisory and Service Office (KPPBC), BPS performs processing and presentation of export and import statistics data in Aceh Province. Exports are all goods carried out of the territory of a country, whether commercial or non-commercial and goods to be processed abroad, the products are re-imported into the country, while imports are goods brought into the territory of a country. In 2016, the export value of Aceh amounted to 22.87 million USD, decreased 75.49 percent compared to 2015. During the period of 2012 - 2016 the highest export value occurred in 2012 while the lowest export value in 2016. The volume of goods exported in year 2016 is also the lowest at 297 thousand tons or decreased by 74.87 percent compared to 2015. Unlike in previous years, in 2016 the export of Aceh Province dominated by non-oil commodities, this is due to the lack of availability of oil and gas commodities in Aceh. The import value of Aceh in 2016 only reached 28.99 million USD, decreased 75.18 percent compared to 2015. During the year 2012 - 2016, the lowest import value occurred in 2013, while the highest in 2015 with an import value of 116.82 Million USD. Share of non oil and gas imports in Aceh in 2016 amounted to 81.15 percent.
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