Local Government Financial Statistics of Aceh Province 2013-2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Local Government Financial Statistics of Aceh Province 2013-2017

Catalog Number : 7203002.11
Publication Number : 11540.1804
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : May 7, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 9.64 MB


Actual Revenue The Aceh Provincial Government over the past 5 years amounted to 12.6 - 14.7 trillion rupiah. The increase also occurred in the realization of Aceh provincial government spending. Throughout the year 2013-2017 Aceh Provincial Government expenditures reach 12.05 to 15.18 trillion rupiah each year. The financial revenue of Aceh Provincial Government is mostly derived from Others Post Legal Revenue, with contribution of 53 - 69 percent per year. Income from PAD is very small in number. While the Aceh Provincial Government expenditure is allocated mostly to goods and services expenditure with contribution of 28 - 50 percent every year.

The realization of revenues of all districts in Aceh each year is enormous and increasing from 16.7 trillion rupiahs in 2013 to 31.5 billion rupiahs in 2016 and is targeted to amount to 30.9 trillion rupiahs by 2017. The largest source of revenue comes from of balancing funds, mainly from DAU and DAK with contributions of 58 to 80 percent per year. PAD funds are very minimal in number. While the entire level of expenditure in the province of Aceh amounted to 15.5 to 30.9 trillion rupiah in 2013-2015. Most of this expenditure is earmarked for personnel expenditure, which is 37 - 58 percent per year.

In total, Aceh's revenues sourced from Aceh Provincial funds and all Kabupaten / Kota funds continue to increase annually, from 35.95 trillion rupiahs in 2014 to reach 45.62 trillion rupiahs in 2017. Similarly, Aceh's expenditures , which continues to grow from 32.49 trillion rupiahs in 2014 to 46.09 trillion rupiah in 2017. Aceh's revenues are largely derived from balancing funds, while PAD funds are very small in contribution. For the expenditure of Aceh, most of the allocated for personnel expenditure.

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