Air and Sea Transportation Statistics of Aceh Province 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Air and Sea Transportation Statistics of Aceh Province 2017

Catalog Number : 8301010.11
Publication Number : 11540.1805
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 18, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.15 MB


The development of the transportation sector is directed to the establishment of a reliable, highly-capable and efficient national transportation system to support the development dynamics, support human mobility, goods and services, national distribution patterns and regional development and enhancement of international relations that further strengthen the development of national life and state in order to realize the insight of the archipelago. The production of an airport can be seen from the generated indicators such as the number of departing and departing aircraft; departing and arriving passengers, as well as baggage, merchandise, and post / parcel being unloaded and loaded in an airport. When viewed from the frequency of aircraft departing in a year then on average there are 12 aircraft departing in a day at Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, 2 aircraft at Cut Nyak Dhien Airport. When viewed from the number of arrivals in a year, then on average there are 1219 passengers who come to Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport in a day, 72 people come to Malikussaleh Airport, and 62 people come to Cut Nyak Dhien Airport.To support the smoothness and success of various economic and social activities and development on the islands it must be supported by the availability of facilities and infrastructures of sea transportation with enough capacity, reliable and available at all times if needed. Thus sea transportation is a very absolute thing for Indonesia considering the area of ​​ocean area that is owned, and to connect the island of islands within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. From all ports in Aceh, it can be seen that port activity on the largest domestic shipping is the port of Ulee Lheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga. This can be seen on ship visits of 2,568 units, loading and unloading of 2,436,594 tons, and passengers up and down 705,186 people during 2017. However, there are some ports that do not seek to transport passengers such as Krueng Geukeuh port, Susoh, Kuala Idi and Kuala Langsa
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