Gross Regional Domestic Product of Aceh Province by Industrial Origin Quarterly III 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Aceh Province by Industrial Origin Quarterly III 2018

Catalog Number : 9302021.11
Publication Number : 11550.1824
ISSN/ISBN : 2502-0897
Publishing Frequency : Quaterly
Release Date : December 14, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.64 MB


This publication presents data and overview about economics development, structure, and the value of Gross Regional Domestic Bruto (GRDP) of Aceh Province by Industry 3st Quarter 2018 based on current prices and 2010 constant prices. Aceh’s economy in the 3st Quarter 2018 which is measured by the GRDP at current prices reached 40,11 trilion rupiah and grew by 4,03 percent (y on y) with oil and gas, other than the GRDP at current prices without oil and gas reached 38,58 trilion rupiah and grew 3,75 percent (y on y). While on a quarterly basis (q to q), Aceh’s economy 3st Quarter 2018 grew 1,86 percent with oil and gas and 1,74 percent without oil and gas.
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