Publication Catalog of BPS in Aceh Province 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Publication Catalog of BPS in Aceh Province 2017

Catalog Number : 1205001.11
Publication Number : 11560.1804
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 28, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.71 MB


The Publication Catalog Book is one of the publications issued by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Aceh Province in its effort to provide information to data users regarding publication publications which has been published by the Aceh Province BPS. This book contains periodization published, language used, the first and last year published, publication number, international standard number number (ISSN) or international serial book number (ISBN), number of pages, and short abstractions used in these publications.Publication Catalog Books are published regularly once a year. Collections in the Book BPS Province Publication Catalog of Aceh in 2017 is a collection of publications published by BPS on 2017. The publications are grouped based on the main subjects consisting of: general, population, socio-economic, social, agriculture, industry / mining / energy / construction, price and finance, trade / transportation / services / tourism, and economic aggregates and other economic issues.
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