Consumer Prices of Several Food Group Goods and Services in Lhokseumawe City 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Consumer Prices of Several Food Group Goods and Services in Lhokseumawe City 2018

Catalog Number : 7104024.1174
Publication Number : 11540.1907
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 2, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0.52 MB


Consumer Prices of Several Food Group Goods and Services in Lhokseumawe City 2018 is a publication published by the Aceh Province BPS in the form of data on the prices of several goods and services for the Food group as a result of monthly enumeration in the markets around Lhokseumawe City.This publication is expected to provide an overview of the development of prices for some food group goods and services that are often consumed by people in Lhokseumawe City during 2018 and can be used as a benchmark in determining policies in Lhokseumawe City in the particular economic sector.
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