Farmer Exchange Rate of Fishery Subsector in Aceh province 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Farmer Exchange Rate of Fishery Subsector in Aceh province 2020

Catalog Number : 7102034.11
Publication Number : 11540.2203
Release Date : January 6, 2022
File Size : 2.59 MB


The publication "Farmer Exchange Rate of Fishery Subsector in Aceh province 2020" is the second edition of the publication published by BPS-Statistics of Aceh Province. The data presented in this publication include data on the index of prices received by farmers and index of prices paid by farmers as well as the exchange rate of farmers. In addition, this publication also presents the concept of definition, methodology and explanation of the weighing chart used in the preparation of the NTPN. Thus, data users can understand well the process of calculating NTPN as the ability to exchange value of goods (products) produced by farmers in the Fishery Subsector for goods/services consumed by farmer households, including goods and services to produce agricultural commodities in the Fisheries Subsector.
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