Consumer Prices for Several Goods and Services for Health, Education and Transportation Groups in 3 Cities in Aceh Province in 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Consumer Prices for Several Goods and Services for Health, Education and Transportation Groups in 3 Cities in Aceh Province in 2021

Catalog Number : 7104039.11
Publication Number : 11540.2210
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 30, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0.96 MB


Consumer Prices for Several Goods and Services for the Health, Education and Transportation Group of 3 Cities in Aceh Province is a publication published by BPS Aceh Province in the form of price data for several goods and services for the health, recreation and transportation group as a result of monthly enumeration in markets around Banda Aceh City, Lhokseumawe City , and the City of Meulaboh.The data presented in this publication is the average price of one of the quality goods commonly consumed by the public in each city and has a complete data set throughout the year. The price difference that is quite significant between cities in a table is due to differences in the quality of goods between cities.
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