Socialization of the Aceh Province BPS Website - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Socialization of the Aceh Province BPS Website

Socialization of the Aceh Province BPS Website

October 8, 2021 | Other Activities

Friday, October 8, 2021, at the BPS Hall of Aceh Province, a number of Statistics Program students at Syiah Kuala University attended the Website Content and Service Socialization event at BPS Aceh Province.
BPS has a vision as a "Provider of Quality Statistical Data for Advanced Indonesia" and based on the results of the Data Needs Survey (SKD) that the majority of BPS data users are students, this event was held to socialize Website Content and Services at BPS Aceh Province.
The event was filled by the Central Statistics of the BPS Province of Aceh, Nuri Rosmika, SST and the Coordinator of the Dissemination and Statistical Services Function, M. Alimuddin, SST, MT. In his presentation, the speaker explained, among others, the introduction to the vision, mission, and organizational structure of BPS, the types of services available at the Aceh Province BPS, a more in-depth introduction to the Aceh Province BPS website, and light discussions regarding BPS data.
With the implementation of this event, it is hoped that data users, especially students, can find it easier to understand, search and utilize the data contained on the Aceh Province BPS website.
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