Special Study of the Birthday of the Prophet SAW DWP BPS Aceh Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Special Study of the Birthday of the Prophet SAW DWP BPS Aceh Province

Special Study of the Birthday of the Prophet SAW DWP BPS Aceh Province

October 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, 24 October 2024 - Dharma Wanita PBB (DWP) BPS Aceh Province held a special Muslimah Study Edition on the Birthday of the Prophet with a meaningful theme: "Imitating the Morals of the Prophet in Building the Character of Children and Families."

Taking place in the Release Room, Floor 1 of BPS Aceh Province, this study was attended by DWP women and BPS employees of Aceh Province. In her speech, the Chair of the DWP BPS Aceh Province, Ika Virnaristanti, emphasized how important the mother's role is in instilling the noble values ​​of the Prophet in the family. How to educate children and create a harmonious family will greatly influence future generations. He hopes that, through this study, the participants will gain wisdom and inspiration to apply in their daily lives to create a family full of love and noble character.

Guided by Ustazah Andriana, Lc., M.Us., this study explores the example of the Prophet in forming the character of children with noble morals and creating a harmonious family full of love and kindness. Ustazah Andriana also reminded that the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is a special moment to be grateful for the birth of a figure who is a perfect example in all aspects of life, especially in raising a family. Hopefully we can all learn from his teachings in building a family full of love and kindness.
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