Educational visit of students from Azkiya IT Junior High School, Bireuen - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Educational visit of students from Azkiya IT Junior High School, Bireuen

Educational visit of students from Azkiya IT Junior High School, Bireuen

February 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday (6/02/2024) BPS Aceh received an educational visit from students from Azkiya IT Junior High School, Bireuen. The visit aimed to learn about the process of data collection, management and publication of population data at BPS Aceh Province.

The team from BPS Aceh Province welcomed the visit by providing material and introduction to activities at BPS Aceh Province. It is hoped that the students of IT Azkiya Junior High School can love statistics more and become part of the solution in the future.
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