Study Visit from USK FE Development Economics and Business Study Program Students to BPS Aceh - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Study Visit from USK FE Development Economics and Business Study Program Students to BPS Aceh

Study Visit from USK FE Development Economics and Business Study Program Students to BPS Aceh

December 3, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday, December 3 2024 Students from the FEB USK Development Economics Study Program held an inspiring study visit to BPS Aceh Province.

Riswandi, Lecturer in the Development Economics Study Program, conveyed the importance of students undertaking a study visit to BPS Aceh Province to better understand the use of micro data and its use in supporting the preparation of sharp and relevant data-based theses.

Head of the General Section of BPS Aceh Province, Tasdik Ilhamudin received a study visit from EKP USK students and opened the event by inviting students to use BPS data as research supplies and expand the horizons of using statistics to answer various development challenges.

Student enthusiasm is increasing with inspiring material sessions including:
1️⃣ Introduction to BPS by Muhammad Hafidz Al Ahmad Bit: Revealing the strategic role of BPS in providing national data.
2️⃣ Introduction to Social Statistical Indicators by M. Ridha and Akhmad Sugito: Discusses how SUSENAS and SAKERNAS micro data are the foundation for quality and effective research.

Come on, use statistical data to answer the challenges of sustainable development!
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