DKT Supervision of Public Administration of Aceh Province BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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DKT Supervision of Public Administration of Aceh Province BPS

DKT Supervision of Public Administration of Aceh Province BPS

May 14, 2024 | Other Activities

In order to accelerate the quality of public service delivery to the community, especially data users, BPS Aceh invited experts to the Focused Group Discussion/DKT for Supervision of Public Administration of BPS Aceh Province. DKT was carried out in the Sharing Room on the 1st floor of BPS Aceh.

The experts in DKT represent academics from universities, the Aceh Indonesian Statistical Association (ISI) professional association, and related institutions/services such as the Ombudsman, Bappeda, Aceh Information Commission, and Kadin.

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, opened the DKT by conveying the current public service paradigm which has shifted to "visiting the community" from previously "visiting the community". Furthermore, Ahmadriswan explained that this form of visiting the community is not always in the form of a physical visit, but through creative methods and adapting to the community's needs.

To accelerate the implementation of public services, Ahmadriswan emphasized the urgency of supervision through external audits. "External audits are more legitimate (recognized, ed) than internal audits," he explained.

During the DKT session, experts provided constructive input regarding measurable and systematic efforts to monitor public service delivery. Including the formation and structure of teams, procedures and objects of public administration which fall within the realm of direction, supervision and inspection by external parties. There is also the need to involve other related parties representing different data user groups.

This DKT activity is an effort by BPS Aceh to accelerate the transformation of public services. This further strengthens BPS Aceh's commitment to make a real contribution to being part of the solution for progress in Aceh.
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