Visit to BAST ANRI Aceh - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Visit to BAST ANRI Aceh

Visit to BAST ANRI Aceh

May 16, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS Aceh visited the Static and Tsunami Archives Hall (BAST) of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) Aceh.

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, who was present together with the Head of the General Section (Kabag) of BPS Aceh, Tasdik Ilhamudin, and representatives of BPS Aceh archivists, conveyed the importance of the cooperative relationship between the two agencies. "This is important. Archive management is directly proportional to the quality of civilization as our link to the past," he said. Through the management and use of archives, BPS Aceh is committed to providing performance that has a big impact on the people of Aceh.

Head of BAST ANRI Aceh, Muhamad Ihwan, welcomed BPS Aceh's commitment by giving tips for making archives more impactful. "The ability to write and tell stories is very important in disseminating archives and data so that they are interesting and impactful," he said. He also added that BAST ANRI has collaborated with various agencies in an effort to improve archive management in agencies. The collaboration that has been established is a manifestation of the commitment of Aceh archivists to consistently contribute to preserving and developing Aceh's archival treasures.
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