Study Visit USK Development Economics Study Program to BPS Aceh Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Study Visit USK Development Economics Study Program to BPS Aceh Province

Study Visit USK Development Economics Study Program to BPS Aceh Province

November 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday, November 26 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business, USK Development Economics Study Program carried out an inspiring study visit to BPS Aceh Province. The event began with a warm welcome from Mrs. Asri Diana, lecturer in the Development Economics Study Program, who expressed her gratitude to BPS Aceh Province and hoped that this activity would raise students' enthusiasm for exploring knowledge.

The event was officially opened by the Head of the General Section of BPS, Tasdik Ilhamudin, who advised students to make the best use of micro data to produce research that has a real impact!

Students' enthusiasm increased when they listened to three interesting materials, namely:
1️⃣ Introduction to BPS by Dina Nirmala Sari
2️⃣ Introduction to Susenas and Sakernas Microdata by Nur Hasanah
3️⃣ Use of Silastic by M. Alimuddin

This activity aims to make students understand more about the importance of data in research, so that the process of preparing a thesis becomes easier and more focused

Hopefully with this study visit, we will all become a generation that is more data aware and able to make a real contribution to development!
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