Regional Instructor Training (Inda) SEP2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Regional Instructor Training (Inda) SEP2024

Regional Instructor Training (Inda) SEP2024

May 20, 2024 | BPS Activities

Today (20/5) the opening of the online Regional Instructor Training (Inda) for the 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP2024) was held by the Head of BPS Aceh Province, Ahmadriswan Nasution.
This activity is part of a series of preparations for SEP2024. The trained Inda will later teach and guide officers in conducting data collection in the field in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

SEP2024 is implemented as a follow-up activity to the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) to obtain detailed information on the characteristics of agricultural business units and their income and expenditure. The business units covered include Individual Agricultural Businesses (UTP), Legalized Agricultural Companies (UPB), and Other Agricultural Businesses (UTL).

In his remarks, Ahmadriswan advised the Inda to remain enthusiastic in providing understanding to the officers. Given the complexity of the SEP2024 material, it is necessary to strengthen and refine the data collection instrument as well as a tiered learning mechanism up to the officers. Furthermore, collaboration between work units is expected to be more solid to support the smooth running of the SEP2024 field data collection which will be carried out from June 1 to 30, 2024.

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