FGD on the Preparation of the Book “Memahami Indikator Statistik” - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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FGD on the Preparation of the Book “Memahami Indikator Statistik”

FGD on the Preparation of the Book “Memahami Indikator Statistik”

July 4, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday (4/7), BPS Aceh held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the preparation of the book “Memahami Indikator Statistik” and the book “Kebangkitan Aceh dalam Angka dan Cerita Dwi Dasawarsa Pasca Tsunami, 2004-2024” with speakers Prof. Dr. Mukhlis Yunus, S.E., M.S (USK), Agus Setyadi (Media detik.com), Heri Safrijal (Media Detik Publik), Rizki Satria Manalu (Media Atjeh Terkini) and Imamatunnisa Farha (Media AJNN).

The Head of BPS Aceh Province, Ahmadriswan Nasution, said that the expansion of statistical data utilization will be summarized through the SoAsik application (Statistical Indicator Learning Solution) and the launch of the 3 books. BPS Aceh's role as the regional Statistical Data Supervisor is ready to oversee sectoral and macro basic statistics to make statistical indicators easier for the public and data users to understand. There are 12 statistical indicators that will be reviewed in the book, where later each indicator consists of 2 collaborative authors from BPS Aceh and the Media.

Prof. Dr. Mukhlis Yunus, S.E., M.S hopes that the preparation of this book can be an instrument in the decision-making process by the government in economic development. Likewise, the media hopes that the writing of the book will be able to use language that is easily understood by all parties by cooperating with the Aceh Government involved in the reconstruction of Aceh's revival after the 2004 tsunami.
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