Dissemination of the National Resilience Measurement System (Siskurtannas) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Dissemination of the National Resilience Measurement System (Siskurtannas)

Dissemination of the National Resilience Measurement System (Siskurtannas)

October 16, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 - Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, was a resource person at the National Resilience Measurement System (Siskurtannas) Dissemination event held by the Lemhannas Laboratory at the Portola Grand Arabia Hotel, Banda Aceh. In his presentation, Ahmadriswan explained the important role of indicators produced by BPS in the formulation of national policies, including the National Resilience Index. He stressed the importance of understanding the measurement methods used by BPS to produce data that is accurate and relevant for decision making. "BPS measures what is built, ladies and gentlemen build what is measured," he said, emphasizing the synergy between measurement and development.

Ahmadriswan also introduced the new face of the BPS website (https://aceh.bps.go.id) which is designed to be more user-friendly to make it easier for the public to access and understand statistical data. He underlined the importance of building public trust in the government to increase the level of participation (response rate) in data collection. "Understand how BPS measures indicators," he said, encouraging all parties to actively participate in the process of providing quality data.

In the discussion session, Ahmadriswan also highlighted the inequality in policies for accelerating poverty alleviation between districts/cities in Aceh. He emphasized that the agricultural sector is still the backbone of labor absorption, but the downstream sector, such as processing, must be further encouraged so that its contribution to the economy becomes more significant. "We can accelerate poverty alleviation if economic growth is above 5%," he added, while emphasizing the importance of policy synergy to achieve even poverty alleviation throughout the region.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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