BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur 2024 Award - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur 2024 Award

BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur 2024 Award

October 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Saturday, 26 October 2024 - Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, attended the 2024 BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur award at the BSI Aceh Landmark Building, Banda Aceh. As a form of joint commitment, BPS Aceh together with other government stakeholders fully supports the growth of young Acehnese entrepreneurs which will have a big impact on accelerating Aceh's economy.

BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur is not only a place to search for young entrepreneurial talent, but also a place to develop for those who are committed to developing businesses in accordance with Islamic values. On this occasion, awards were given to 12 talented young entrepreneurs from the food and beverage, fashion, and craft sectors, which were divided into three categories: Starter, Scale Up, and Sustainable. These winners have gone through a series of selection and intensive training from BSI, with the hope of being able to encourage the growth of Aceh's creative economy to a higher level.

In his remarks, BSI Retail Banking Director, Harry Gusti Utama, emphasized the importance of synergy between sectors, both sharia banking, MSMEs, and statistical institutions, in encouraging a sustainable Aceh economy. He hopes that programs like BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur can continue to develop, not only creating strong entrepreneurs in Aceh, but also opening up opportunities for them to penetrate the global market.

Congratulations to the winners of BSI Aceh Muslimpreneur 2024! Hopefully this achievement will be an inspiring first step to continue to grow and have an impact on society. BPS Aceh is ready to be part of the solution in supporting young Acehnese entrepreneurs to build a strong and competitive economy. Let's create a more prosperous Aceh together!
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