Fiery Internalization of Morals - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Fiery Internalization of Morals

Fiery Internalization of Morals

October 30, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, October 30 2024, BPS Aceh Province invited Mr. Faizal to share ways to internalize the ASN BerAKHLAK core value with BPS employees throughout Aceh.

In his presentation, Mr. Faizal emphasized the importance of instilling "Work is Worship", so that whatever we do becomes a reward for us.
ASN's Core Values ​​are also in line with our religious teachings, namely the importance of having morals.

This session was attended enthusiastically by all employees.
Interactive discussions also enrich understanding regarding the application of AKHLAK values ​​in daily work culture.
Hopefully this lesson can be a guide to improving the quality of performance within the Aceh Province BPS environment.
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