FGD analysis of ST2023 Aceh Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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FGD analysis of ST2023 Aceh Province

FGD analysis of ST2023 Aceh Province

November 15, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday, 15 November 2024, BPS Aceh Province conducted an FGD on the results of the ST2023 analysis with the theme "Building a Sustainable Agricultural Future and Prospering Farmers" and focusing on coffee and tobacco in Aceh.

This activity was attended by related agencies, coffee and tobacco farmers, along with resource persons Mr. Bayu Dwi Kurniawan, S.Tr.Stat from the Central BPS Cross-Sector Statistical Analysis Team and Mr. Azanuddin Kurnia, SP. M.P. Secretary of the Aceh Agriculture and Plantation Service.

This discussion discusses the development of added value of agricultural products, especially in products, improvement and enhancement of cultivation, studies on increasing productivity, as well as marketing of coffee and tobacco products.

Hopefully this discussion forum can provide benefits for stakeholders, practitioners and especially for coffee and tobacco farmers. It is hoped that farmers will continue to innovate to explore their agricultural potential to increase investment, quality and added value of Aceh's agricultural products.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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