Export Import January 2011, Tourism January 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import January 2011, Tourism January 2011

Export Import January 2011,  Tourism January 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2011
File Size : 0.2 MB


Starting in 2011, the value of exports in January 2011 fell sharply compared with December 2010, from US $ 102,641,433 in December 2010 to US $ 1,781,404 in January 2011. In other words, decreased by 98.26 percent. When compared to January of last year, the value of exports also decreased, from US $ 90,606,312 to US $ 1,781,404.

The value of imports increased by 153.47 percent compared with the previous month, from US $ 7,186,770 to US $ 18,216,203. Meanwhile, when compared with January of the previous year import value also increased from US $ 1,359,550 to US $ 18,216,203. The foregoing causes the trade balance deficit of 117.22 percent.

Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star hotels increased only in class 1 star and 3 star hotel 1 In, TPK increased by 9.38 points ie from 28.79 percent in December 2010 to 38.17 percent in January 2011, and at the 3 star hotels increased from 37.80 percent to 37.97 percent. TPK more accommodation has increased in each group room. The highest increase was in the group room 41-100, from 25.39 percent in December 2010 to 36.67 per cent, in other words an increase of 11.28 points
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