Export Import March 2011, Tourism April 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import March 2011, Tourism April 2011

Export Import March 2011, Tourism April 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 1, 2011
File Size : 0.22 MB


The trade balance surplus of $ 212,938,535. When compared with the previous month increased from $ 212,938,535 $ 73,014,495 into an increase of 191.64 percent.

The value of exports during the month of March 2011 increased by 189.66 percent compared to the month of February 2011, from $ 75,048,462 be $ 217,382,085.

Inorganic chemicals are most commodity groups exported during the month of March 2011. The group of commodities exported in the form of Anhydrous Ammonia with an export value of $ 747,046. However, this commodity group decreased the value of exports is fairly large, which is 72.14 percent compared to the previous month.

Value largest non-oil commodity imports in March 2011 include Vietnam in the amount of $ 3,456,000, followed by the country of Malaysia with a value of $ 880,068, and Thailand with a value of $ 107,482. Compared with the previous month the value of imports of non-oil commodities originating from the state supreme Thailand, amounting to 760.82 percent.

Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star hotels increased by 6.92 points compared to the previous month. This increase is due to an increase in TPK at 2-star hotel from 12.90 percent to 24.55 percent, in other words, increased 11.65 points, as well as an increase in hotel TPK 3 from 36.23 percent to 54.85 percent, up amounted to 18.62 points. Further more accommodation TPK also increased by 2.17 points. It is caused by an increase in other woods with a group TPK accommodation rooms <10, 25-40, and 41-100, respectively by 8.18 points, 3.57 points and 6.73 points.
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