Oil commodity exports declined by 64.82 percent, from $ 51,724,794 $ 147,025,284 into. The
decline in the value of these exports, among others, is caused by a
decrease in the value of oil and gas export commodity groups (Liquid
Natural Gas) for 58.20 percent of the country devoted to South Korea
amounted to $ 51,724,794. Exports of non-oil commodities experienced a significant increase of
566.13 percent, from $ 2,038,232 in May 2011 to $ 13,577,195 in June,
of Aceh province in the period from January to June (Semester I) of
2011 to January-June (Semester I) in 2010 increased by 148.79 percent. In
that period, imports of non-oil komditi also increased by 174.78
percent, otherwise the oil and gas commodity imports declined 66.40
percent. Import of non-oil commodities have a role for 98.54 percent of the total imports of the province.
Iskandar Muda Airport is the only International airport in Aceh
province with the highest activity both air traffic, passengers and
goods. In July 2011 the number of passengers recorded at the airport reached
63 240 people which is also the highest number of passengers during the
year 2011. This was an increase of 10.41 percent for the month June
number of sea transport passengers in June 2011 there were at Uleelheue
port, which was recorded as many as 45 204 people, which is an increase
of 17.83 per cent against May 2011. The cumulative (January-June 2011)
the number of passengers who came and left on port reached 232 465 people.
In June 2011, the largest stevedoring activities contained in the port Ulhe Lhue, Malahayati and Lhoknga. Stevedoring activities of domestic goods respectively reached 86 112 tonnes and 16 131 tonnes. While unloading activities abroad (import-export) are the largest in
the Krueng Geukuh respectively reached 17 920 tonnes and 139 850 tonnes.
number of foreign tourists visiting the province of Aceh in July 2011
as many as 1,229 people, or an increase of 5.95 percent compared to June
2011. The cumulative (January-July 2011), the number of foreign
tourists visiting the province of Aceh reached 7886 people. Most foreign tourists in July 2011 came from as many as 629 people of Malaysia. Then followed from the People's Republic of China amounted to 89 people
Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in Aceh province in July 2011 at 41.61
percent or decreased 4.03 points compared to June 2011, which reached
45.64 percent. Furthermore, the average length of stay in July 2011 was 3.75 days, higher than the archipelago which is only 1.95 a day.